Events in 2013

31 December Draft Management Plan released for review by representatives of Surrey Hills, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Good Woods and The Bourne Conservation Group.

20 December Three oak signposts installed at entry points.

20 November Map on website modified to show footpath unsuitable for horses.

19 November Management activities re-commence with cutting back of laurel, rhododendron and gaultheria.

06 August Visit by woodlands advisor Sean Harrison as part of the Good Woods project. Young male and female adders observed in heathland area.

04 July Sable Wood accepted on Good Woods project.

21 June Request made to Rob Davies, SWT woodlands officer, to join Good Woods project.

04-18 June Continued footpath repair on SW boundary.

04 June Observed slowworm anguis fragilis in leaf litter.

04 June Sowed further wild flower seeds in glade, including ladybird-friendly varieties Chrysanthemum segetum (Corn marigold or corn daisy), Ammi majus (Bishop's weed), Centaurea cyanus (Cornflower), Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Oxeye daisy) and Borago officinalis (Starflower).

Late note: there is no evidence that any of the wildflower seeds germinated. This matches anecdotal evidence from the Bourne Conservation Group, who have met with similar lack of success in sowing wildflower seeds.

02 June Baseline assessment of Sable Wood under the Woodland Star Rating scheme. The current level is Bronze.

18 May Attended Woodlands and Sustainable Management conference organised by Surrey Wildlife Trust, Rowhill Nature Reserve, Aldershot.

16 May Cleared felled trunks from glade and sowed wild flower seeds (bee-friendly flowers, including Phacelia tanacetifolia, Echium plantagineum, Cosmos sulphureus and Onobrychis viciifolia).

14 May More clearing of young pine and birch from heather area in Sable. Applied Roundup to rhododendron stumps. Installed notice board at NE entrance. Cleared 10m diameter glade.

13 April Open day to meet users of the wood, to gather their knowledge and experience of the wood and to discuss actions that will improve biodiversity and encourage wildlife.

15 February Sean Harrison engaged to assist in writing of Management Plan.

07 February Continued removal of rhododendron along northeast boundary. Photographed trees adjacent to Dene Lane as part of a risk review.